what is minchan bingo?

MINCHAN BINGO is a multimedia fanwork event for stray kids' bang chan and lee know!bingo cards are generated based on a list of common tropes (suggested and voted on by participants) and creators can create as many or as few works based on their cards as they'd like during the creation period. because of the long creation period and the variety of tropes, minchan bingo is a low pressure event - we just want everyone to have fun and create what they want to create!minchan bingo started in 2021, and rounds one and two resulted in more than 1,250,000 words of fic being added to ao3 - yes, over a million words! we can't wait to see what round three brings to the fandom.

event timeline - round 3

trope remix4/1 - 4/6
card requests open4/7
first round of cards sent!4/14
card requests close10/19
creation period4/14 - 10/31

    how to play

    • first, request your card

    • fill squares on your card by creating minchan content based on the tropes

    • earn points for every square you fill, and try to get a bingo!

    • when you're done with your card, submit it to us

    • when you're ready for a new card, you can request one again & keep creating!

    content guidelines

    • fanfic of any length, social media aus, art, and podfics (with the original author’s permission) are all welcome!

    • all content should be tagged appropriately

    • written works should be at least 100 words

    • all completed creations should be posted on twitter - this is the main method of tracking your points! when posting on twitter, please tag us and include a list of the tropes you used (you can include an updated copy of your bingo card if you'd like to)

    • if you are posting your work on ao3, please make sure to add it to our collection & please include a list of tropes used in your author's notes

    • all creations should be new and should not have been posted online prior to the event. if you have pre-existing wips that work for your tropes, you can complete them and post them as a part of the event.

    • creations can be used for other events in addition to bingo if you'd like, as long as the other event is alright with it!

    • not familiar with a certain trope? check out the fanlore list of tropes in fanworks, or reach out to the mods - we're happy to help!

    • no sexual content involving underage characters, no hateful content, no plagiarism. these will result in a ban from participating in all future rounds of bingo AND YOUR WORKS WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE AO3 COLLECTION IF APPLICABLE.

    bingo rules

    • there is no minimum or maximum amount of squares needed for a single work

    • each square can only be counted for one work

    • the free space can be used for any trope of your choice from the trope list that is not already on your card

    • bingo points don't really mean anything (but they're fun to earn anyway)!

    • each square used is worth 2 points

    • line bingos (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) are worth 10 points

    • x, cross, and border bingos are worth 15 points

    • a full blackout is worth 2x points for your entire card!

    • when you are done with your current bingo card (you do not need to use a certain number of squares or even get any bingos), you should submit it to us. you may request a new card whenever you're done with your current card.

    • once you request a new card, you can not use your previous cards any more, so please make sure you're 100% done with your current card before requesting a new one!